Disclosure Policy

At RyeRoxley, we deeply value the trust and relationship we have cultivated with our audience. Our policy is to ensure that any product articles or reviews published on our platform reflect our genuine opinions and experiences.

We steadfastly maintain our independence by not accepting any remuneration for reviewing or writing about their products. Products sent to us for review are invariably returned to the manufacturer upon evaluation. RyeRoxley does not engage in the sale of any products, nor do we maintain affiliations with the manufacturers featured in our articles.

Our website generates revenue through advertising, with adverts placed by third-party advertising agencies and companies, including Google Adsense. It’s important to clarify that we have no direct interactions or relationships with the advertisers featured on our site. For a comprehensive understanding of our practices regarding user data, we encourage reading our Privacy Policy.

Affiliate Links

RyeRoxley also derives revenue from affiliate links. We wish to openly discuss our monetisation strategies in line with our commitment to transparency and ethical conduct. In addition to display advertising and potential paid sponsorships, we occasionally earn commission on sales of products or services we link to within our content.

Our editorial team independently selects all content featured on the site, excluding sponsored articles. The inclusion of an affiliate link to a product added post-publication does not influence the editorial selection of featured products on RyeRoxley.

Sponsored Articles

RyeRoxley may receive compensation from companies for publishing sponsored articles on our site. We ensure that any content of this nature is identified as ‘Sponsored’ to maintain transparency and trust with our readers.

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