Create a Network Bridge in TrueNAS Scale

Before adding Virtual Machines to TrueNAS a network Bridge is requiired to allow the VMs to access the local network. In your TruNAS GUI navigate to Network>Interfaces. I dentify which interface is curently connected to your network. In this example it is “eno2”. Then click the <Add> button.


Click on Add a new Interface.

In the “Add  Interface” dialogue select Type as Bridge. Give it a name for example “br0”. You can enter as description as I have. Select the bridge members in this case “eno2” You may use DHCP but I prefer to use a fixed IP address, in this case click Add against Aliases and enter the IP address you have decided upon e.g. You also need to add the subnet in CDIR format.

Bridge settings

You will then be asked to enter a Gateway. or accept the default. This should be the IP address of your Router. In this case

Enter the gateway address or accept the default.

You will then be asked to test the new connection. If you have changed the IP adress you will need to open a new browser window to see the GUI in its new location.


Test network changes

If all is well accept the changes and save the settings.

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