How to install Dockge

What is Dockge?

Dockge is a free, open-source, and user-friendly web interface for managing container and Compose files. It streamlines managing existing projects, setting up new ones, and interacting with running containers through an interactive terminal. Dockge also supports managing multiple Docker hosts within a single web UI.

Developed by the creator of Uptime Kuma, Dockge offers an intuitive, single-page interface where you can access logs, a YAML editor, a terminal, and container controls. This consolidation eliminates the need for multiple tabs, ensuring a seamless Docker management experience.



Dockge requires docker and two folders /mnt/data and /opt/stacks which need to be mapped to your TrueNAS datasets if you haven’t already done so you can set these up by following the guide here. Following this document will also assign a shortcut to the script.

Creating the mount points in Docker.

At a command propt type:

jlmkr edit docker

Enter your password if required.
You need to add the following lines to bind the datasets to the paths within Docker.

        --bind '/mnt/appdata/docker/data:/mnt/data'
        --bind '/mnt/appdata/docker/stacks:/opt/stacks'

Your edited config file should look like this:

<Ctrl> x, y, <Enter> to save the file.

Restart the jail:

jlmkr restart docker

Enter the Docker shell:

jlmkr shell docker

Install nano in the Docker container:

apt install nano

Open nano with title for the script


Go to dockage, and download the instalation script. Reproduced here:

# Create directories that store your stacks and store Dockge's stack
mkdir -p /opt/stacks /opt/dockge
cd /opt/dockge

# Download your compose.yaml
curl "" --output compose.yaml

# Start the Server
docker compose up -d

# If you are using docker-compose V1 or Podman
# docker-compose up -d

Paste the script into nano.

<Ctrl> x, y, <Enter> to save the file.

Run the script:


Once the pull requests are finished the conmtainer should be created and started.

Once the process completes successfully you should be able to navigate to the IP address of the Docker Jail (Set here) followed by port 5001 for example and log into Dockge:

A dark-themed user interface for creating an admin account, featuring fields for language selection, username, password, and repeat password, with a "Create" button at the bottom.

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